Rise above the clutter to reach the right prospects

Use targeted paid social media ads to grow awareness of your business efficiently, and ultimately revenues & ROI

Paid Social Media: Helping your business get your Growth Marketing Wheel Churning

With billions of users surfing on social media every day, companies cannot deny social media’s capacity to extend the reach of their business.   The reality is that regardless of whether you are an existing business, a new business, or a business that is in the process of trying to scale its growth, paid social media marketing pretty much needs to be part of your growth marketing strategy and budget.

While organic social media posts can make some difference for your business, the algorithms on social media networks have essentially minimized the amount of branded content in users’ news feed.

Moreover, because social media platforms contain considerable extensive user data such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations, among other things, not only can you ensure that you are reaching the right people for you, but you also can customize your ads specifically for these people.

Regardless of whether you are trying to increase traffic, sales, leads, or brand awareness, any social media channel, be it Linkedin, Facebook, Tiktok, Pinterest, Youtube, or any other has its unique ways of reaching and engaging with its users.

Sounds good?  Wondering just how to get started? Glad you asked.

This is where we come in.

Paid Social Media as a part of a  Framework for Growth Marketing

There are several avenues available to you in terms of social media advertising.

Facebook Advertising:  Beyond reaching 1.4 billion people, Facebook has powerful targeting options available, such as website visits, interests, demographics, locations, etc., helping your business reach those that truly fit your target audience and guiding them towards a purchase or a conversion of any sort.

Youtube Advertising:  Beyond being the world’s 2nd largest website/network, Youtube’s advantage lies in the fact that it combines content sharing via video with search, enabling super precise targeting that focuses on user intent.

Pinterest Advertising:  Pinterest is ultimately where people discover and engage.  Depending on the nature of your business, Promoted Pins can be a great opportunity to reach high-intent users, since nearly 96% of all searches are actually unbranded.

Linkedin:  Looking to reach decision-makers and high-level executives?  Look no further.  This a great place to start considering any sort of B2B lead generation efforts.

Instagram: Beyond having over 1 billion users and being part of the powerful Facebook platform, Instagram has revolutionized the medium with a direct approach to sharing: photos, videos, short text, and a strong emphasis on stories and an interactive approach. It mainly reaches the millennial generation and is best used with a more “personal” and “direct” approach, helping brands improve authenticity and interact with their customer base.

Tiktok:  As the digital social landscape is constantly evolving, new networks gain popularity through innovative tools and user experiences. TikTok, for example, is only catered to very short-length video media formats and is extremely popular among Gen Z users.


Paid Social Media Marketing: A key part of any growth marketing recipe

Paid social media marketing can be a major driver of growth for any business with ambitious, revenue-focused goals or objectives.

A winning paid social media strategy in our experience often includes:

  • Being incredibly clear on your objective

  • Understanding your audience and their interests, as well as their pain points and finding targeting options that reach these specific types of people

  • Selecting the right social media platform in order to reach those who best fit your target audience

  • Choosing the right ad formats, as well as being clear on your retargeting options

  • Creating ad content that speaks effectively to your target audience and how you can help them

  • Carefully analyzing your campaign data, and being able to pivot quickly in response to the data

Paid Social Media Marketing: A True Growth Marketing Accelerator

Regardless of whether you are trying to decide what network to focus on, what audiences targeting options to select, or trying to create content and clearly identify your customer purchase funnel, we can help.