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Microsoft Ads: An underrated way to elevate your Growth Marketing Efforts 

It might surprise many that Microsoft Advertising is an extremely well-thought marketing platform with some great potential behind it. Although it is not connected with the most popular search engine Google, Bing is still at the top, being an integral part of Windows 10, Cortana, Office, and AOL; also the search networks Microsoft uses have more than 200 million Windows 10 users, from which 45.4 million searchers are searches that Google does not have access to. 

But a significant advantage would be that in Microsoft Ads, you can control the demographics, allowing your ads to target the specific niche of customers that your business might have. The marketing service also increases your bids when the ad is seen by somebody from your intended audience, which increases the chances of a successful conversion.

Studies also show that the search engines used by Microsoft Advertising appeal to a more mature and affluent audience, and 54% of that audience has an annual average income of $75,000 or more.   This perhaps is reflective of the fact that the depth of search activity for search results for the same keyword is much greater on Microsoft/Bing than it is on the Google network of properties.

Microsoft advertisements also have a better ROI (return on investment), requesting lower costs, and in turn, smaller budgets than when advertising on Google. This allows you to start with small bids on keywords, and with Microsoft Ads’ special feature, your bids will increase when a conversion is more likely. These would be just a few of the advantages of advertising using this service, but you can discover more once you start using it yourself.

With so much going for it, Microsoft seems like potentially a no-brainer.  So how does one go about leveraging Microsft Ads for your business benefit?

This is where we come in.

Leveraging Microsoft Ads as a  Growth Marketing Channel

There are a number of steps that we undertake in order to get your business on track towards better leveraging Microsoft ads as an under-the-radar vehicle for growth.

 Competitor Analysis

Along with the market, we would also analyze the competition in the market. How your competitors are capturing the market and how they are working in order to do it would also be analyzed.

Keyword Research

We perform keyword analysis in order to know which specific trending keywords can retrieve more traffic and ultimately help generate the best most cost-effective and efficient that you might be seeking for

Create Winning Ads

We create ads to attract the audiences that are most drawn to your products and services, paying close attention to ad copy, high quality images and effective calls to action.

Landing Page Design

Once a visitor lands on your landing page after clicking on your ad, the message should not only reinforce the audience that was drawn towards it in the first place but also to be able to convince your audience that their initial curiosity was warranted enough for them to take an action, including signing up for a demo, a consultation or making a purchase online. 

 Campaign Optimization

Campaigns are optimized on a regular basis to ensure that best-performing ads, campaigns, and creatives are all maximized in order to get the best results for your business. It is a must to follow the process to keep your business ads in trending.

 Regular Reporting

As part of our optimization efforts, we regularly provide reports to keep you engaged and on top of how your campaign is performing.  

Microsoft Ads should be an integral part of the Growth Marketing mix at any growth-focused business.

Microsoft Ads can be an underrated part of a growth marketing approach for businesses looking for an extra edge in terms of generating revenue growth and exponentially improving their business performance.

In addition to providing an alternative to advertising on Google, Microsoft Ads provides an effective way to extend your reach at a lower cost, reach multiple search engines (Bing, Yahoo, AOL), and provide access to users that use products such as  Windows 10, Cortana, Office that are an integral part of the Microsoft network.  

A winning Microsoft Ads strategy in our experience includes.

  • Performing comprehensive keyword research to look for words that perform better on Bing than on Google 

  • Having strong calls to action that allow your ads to stand out

  • Being super specific in terms of and offer and purpose

  • Leveraging the Microsoft Audience Network including sites such as Wall Street Journal, Forbes and

  • Getting super granular with your audiences

  • Experimenting with Dynamic Search ads

Microsoft Ads and Growth Marketing: The potential ace up the sleeve of growth-focused businesses.

So regardless of whether your business has not started with search advertising, has an established Google Ads campaign that they are looking to import to Microsoft, or if you’re looking for an extra edge to reach a sophisticated or complicated clientele, we can help.