Leverage the power of quickly sharing photos, and videos for profitable business growth

Profit from the world’s most popular app for photos and videos to reach an ever-expanding, ultra-engaged audience to increase awareness and grow sales

Instagram Advertising: Helping to elevate your Growth Marketing efforts to higher levels

Instagram has one of the highest engagement rates of all social media channels. With ever-expanding features such as reels, IGTV, and Instagram Live, the influencing potential is endless.

  • Instagram has grown tremendously over the last few years.   Here are some highlights.

  • 65% of Instagram users log in at least once a day, 45 % at least twice a day

  • The average engagement on Instagram is 28 minutes per day.

  • 74% of users report making a purchase based on content that they viewed on Instagram

  • Over 35% of stories that users check out are from businesses

    Clearly, these numbers should demonstrate that Instagram is a channel that your business probably ought to be leveraging.  But if you currently are not, or are not doing so as well as you can, how do you begin to go about doing this?

This is where we come in.

Effectively Leverage Instagram Advertising as part of a  Growth Marketing Framework

There are a number of steps we take to fully get the most out of your Instagram campaigns.

 Creative Conceptualization & Strategy:  We work with you to decide on a messaging approach as well as a segmentation approach complete with measurable goals and creative briefs

Influencer Management & Outreach:  Once we have identified the influencers that best match your business goals and targeted personas, we take care of everything  from outreach, to the negotiation of terms to content feedback and approval

Content Creation:  We work to create a portfolio of visual content that not only can be used on Instagram but can serve as evergreen material on other channels

Giveaway Campaigns:  Work with dozens of influencers to coordinate giveaways that grow your social media following, increase general awareness and ultimately increase interactions with your business and potential for revenue growth. We handle everything from the content of the giveaway post to shipping the winner’s prize.

Hashtag Creation:  We come up with hashtags that are memorable both for a particular campaign, but also embody your business as a whole

Paid Boosts: Use paid strategies to boost the reach of your best-performing content.

Instagram Advertising Should Be An Increasingly Integral Part of Your Growth Marketing Mix

 For an increasing number of businesses, Instagram is becoming a less than a secret weapon in their attempts to amplify revenue growth.  Given the incredibly engaged audience that your business has here as well as the fact that consumers are paying more and more attention to business content here, ignoring Instagram, even a little bit, is becoming increasingly risky for growth-focused businesses.

A profitable Instagram approach in our experience includes among other things: 

  • Engaging with Influencers that best reach and represent the type of consumers you are trying to reach

  • Creating content with a clear message and powerful visuals

  • Regularly interacting with your channel, as well as the channel and stories of your influencers, to the point of achieving a near or complete takeover

  • Staying on message and staying consistent with the themes that your content is demonstrating

  • Amplifying with hashtags that increase campaign virality, and succinctly represent what your company and represent and are all about

  • Using paid advertising to boost reach and profit from the synergies with Instagram’s big brother, Facebook

Instagram and Growth Marketing: A dynamic

Regardless of whether you are new to Instagram, have a profile that isn’t being leveraged for business, looking for a way to get your business recognized in order to diversify your ways of being recognized, or are stuck with how to go about creating a dynamic Instagram campaign that can give your business a boost, we can help.