Give your products the best showcase with Google Shopping

Create product listing ads that convert by connecting customers to the products they want when they are looking for them

Google Shopping: Elevating your Growth Marketing Efforts to higher levels

The modern-day shopper can purchase any time, on a range of devices and platforms, online and offline, 24/7. You want your products in the right place so that when someone searches for a product you sell on mobile out and about, or at home with a laptop, what you offer comes up for them. To do that, you need a Google Smart Shopping campaign.

Smart Shopping campaigns show your products across Google’s advertising properties, meaning they can reach users whenever and wherever they are searching for what you offer.

Google Shopping is an amazing way to drive revenue for e-commerce retailers. A comparison engine, the platform shows potential customers your inventory on a variety of Google sites, including Google search, Gmail, and Youtube. Displaying a range of important information including product images, promotions, delivery costs, and prices, lets users know almost everything they need to know about your products in one view.

That being said, managing Google Shopping campaigns can be complex and time-consuming, including lack of segmentation, potentially taking budget from your search campaigns, and no ability to control negatives, adding to the fact that terms here can often be low volume/visibility search terms.

This is where we come in.

Leveraging Google Shopping as a  Growth Marketing Channel

There are a number of steps we take to fully get the most out of your Product Display/Google Shopping campaigns.

 Merchant Centre Setup & Management

From creating and setting up the merchant center, to helping with warnings and disapprovals, we help manage this vital aspect of your campaign, its setup, and performance, so you know that your ads will be displayed correctly

Product Feed Optimisation

A major foundation of a great Google Shopping campaign is having a product feed that is optimized for descriptive terms that not only fully articulate what your products offer but also hit on search terms that potential customers might be apt to search with.

Shopping Campaign Management

We look to improve your shopping campaign ROI with our campaign management service. We do this by utilizing data-driven targeting, persona-based modeling, optimizing your ad groups, and via intelligent bidding so that you stay well ahead of your competition.

Reporting & Insights

With optimization techniques that will bring higher visibility, we monitor your Google Shopping campaign continually, fine-tuning and maintaining, providing an effective allocation from your overall budget

Google Shopping can be a Pivotal Part of an Effective Growth Marketing Mix for eCommerce Store operators.

Google Smart Shopping can  be a bit of a secret weapon for growth-based marketers looking to significantly improve their bottom line.

A winning Google Shopping strategy in our experience very often includes:

  • Writing Product titles and descriptions that catch the attention

  •  Running separate campaigns for branded and non-branded campaigns

  • Establishing a bidding strategy based on products that perform

  • Aiming to maximize the  number of impressions and search volume for products that perform

  • Having  the most high-quality images that emphasize different angles and uses for your products

  • Properly segmented ad groups so that your products are as relevant and as specific as possible for ad groups

  • Getting as many detailed and positive reviews to set yourself apart from other reviews that come up

Growth Marketing via Google Shopping: A winning combination

Regardless of whether you are looking to set up a Google Shopping campaign to showcase your store’s products, trying to optimize your feed for promotions, or if you are trying to figure out how to better leverage your descriptions, titles, and images to get more impressions for your best-selling products, we can help.