Expert Email Strategy and Execution to Grow Your Business

Get Trial Users or Subscribers,  Nurture Leads, and Generate Awareness, to Grow Your Community and Your Revenues

Growth Marketing Using Email As a Way to Build a Dedicated Community/Subscriber Base

Very often when looking to grow one’s business, companies look into ways to drive traffic to their own business website. While potentially a viable way of scaling a business, this often overlooks the possibilities inherent within one’s own community.

Installs, sign-ups, trials, and demos mean nothing if you can’t keep your users. Which makes your email campaigns incredibly important. It’s your first impression. But, it’s also your opportunity to guide new users to take action that will increase their lifetime value to your business.

This is where we come in.

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Email As A Growth Marketing Vehicle

Right out the gate, we dig deep into your existing data, snag actionable insights, and create an informed email strategy designed to convert

  • By digging into the entire user journey, we can optimize email for every step of the funnel.

    Data-driven user research

    We analyze each piece of the email puzzle so we can spend our time focused on the areas with the highest anticipated impact on revenue.

    Conversion-optimized (everything)

    We use our up-to-date email marketing expertise to quickly identify ways to improve conversion rates at every stage. 

    Premium email execution

    We can rewrite, redesign, and rebuild each email to focus on the most important CTA.


    We launch 'micro' email marketing campaigns and review the results in a qualitative manner.  The goal is to identify (with data) messaging that resonates with the respective audience/persona. We will also identify which marketing channels complement your email campaigns (eg. Social, content, landing pages, Google Ads)


    Once the right cadence and messaging have been identified, we optimize to make sure this messaging is prioritized (and repeated) in order to maximize the potential return.

Our 5 step Growth marketing process for email marketing

  • Ideate: We first help you clearly define your target audience & break it up into specific personas.

  • Brainstorm: We brainstorm relevant messaging per persona and create an email marketing strategy unique to your business.

  • Execute: We write emails for every persona that was identified and make them part of your workflow

  • Optimize:   We frequently review a campaign’s performance to understand why we got these specific results and extrapolate valuable insights.   These learnings are utilized in the launch of the next campaign or to adjust existing campaigns.

  •  Amplify: We focus on the 'winning' campaign(s) and amplify our email marketing process.

Email As Key Driver Of Marketing for Growth

If your business is not leveraging email marketing to grow and scale its customer base and revenues, perhaps it is missing out where it absolutely shouldn’t be.