
Keep on track with the latest issues of relevance in Growth Marketing

Chiming in on the issues of relevance to businesses that are looking to maximize their growth rates as well as tactics that may be prevalent.

John Kurien John Kurien

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Business Growth

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing where businesses partner with individuals who have a significant following on social media platforms, such as Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook, to promote their products or services. These individuals, known as influencers, have built a loyal following based on their expertise, personality, or other factors. Businesses collaborate with influencers to create content that promotes their products or services to the influencer’s followers.

Influencer marketing is different from traditional advertising because it relies on the influencer’s relationship with their followers. Influencers are seen as trustworthy and authentic, and their recommendations can be more effective than traditional advertising methods. Influencer marketing can also take many forms, including sponsored posts, product reviews, giveaways, and more.

The goal of influencer marketing is to increase brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately, sales. By partnering with an influencer, businesses can tap into the influencer’s loyal following and reach a wider audience. However, it’s important for businesses to carefully choose the right influencers to partner with and to ensure that their promotions align with the business’s values and goals

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John Kurien John Kurien

Why Email Marketing is a Vastly Underrated Growth Marketing Channel that Should not be Overlooked By Businesses

Email marketing has been around for decades and has been a staple part of the marketing strategy of businesses that have experienced tremendous growth over the years. However, with the ever-evolving digital landscape, it's easy to forget the importance of this tried and true method of communication. The reality is that email marketing is still a powerful tool for growth marketing and can play a crucial role in driving business growth. In this article, we'll dive into the role that email marketing plays in creating a growth marketing strategy,  and how it should be leveraged to achieve success. 

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of email marketing in today’s digital landscape, as well as how businesses can leverage it in the midst of changing legal data landscape, and why email marketing remains one of the most powerful and underrated growth marketing channels in one’s arsenal of tactics. 

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John Kurien John Kurien

13 Facebook Ads Tactics that Need to Be Part of Your Growth Marketing Mix

Facebook Ads can be a powerful platform for driving growth and success for a lot of businesses. However, getting the most out of it requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing optimization. To help you with this, this article provides tips and best practices for implementing growth marketing-focused campaigns using Facebook Ads.

While any channel can be a key driver for a growth marketing-centered organization, what makes Facebook Ads a channel that can help drive massive revenue growth comes down in reality to a couple of key factors.  First, Facebook as a social media platform is used by the vast majority (approximately 70%) of the world’s population on a daily basis, regardless of whether they use it uniquely or in concert with others.  Moreover, the array of demographic targeting that Facebook Ads have at their disposal allows businesses (provided targeting is used correctly) to target those looking specifically for your business’s products or services. 

By now, you probably know that Facebook Ads hold considerable potential for your business.

They can drive cold traffic to your products and turn visitors into warm customers who buy from you again and again.

But it can be difficult to get it right and get the most out of it.

A lot of businesses quickly put together a simple ad and think it will make them millions. In reality, it takes a lot more than that if you want to really increase your sales.

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John Kurien John Kurien

Why SEO Should Never Be Ignored as Part of a Growth Marketing Mix

Growth doesn’t happen on its own. However, neither is paid marketing always the answer when it comes to growth. It is often tempting to push SEO to the side in favor of the fertilizer that is Search Engine Marketing and other paid marketing tactics. However, there are a number of benefits of SEO being an essential part of a growth marketing mix, especially when paired with a contextually appropriate paid marketing channel. We will go into that in this article. However, the simple reality is that growth marketing works best alongside the day-to-day nurturing that comes from SEO.

The truth is SEO is foundational in every single approach. The web has never been more competitive than it is today. Old advantages and keyword-stuffing tactics are clearly things of the past. The best content wins, SEO matters.

It is extremely shocking how many business owners push SEO or organic search to the side and focus on the immediate or more predictable path of paid search or paid social. Not to bash any other channels, they all have their place and they have a way of working together but SEO should be foundational. 

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John Kurien John Kurien

How to Create Growth Marketing-Focused Google Adwords Campaigns

Google Ads can be a powerful platform for driving growth and success for a lot of businesses. However, getting the most out of it requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing optimization. To help you with this, this article provides tips and best practices for implementing growth marketing-focused campaigns using Google Ads.

While any channel can be a key driver for a growth marketing-centered organization or a marketing consultant for a growth-focused business, what makes Google Ads a channel that can help drive massive growth comes down to a couple of key factors. First, Google as a search engine is used by the vast majority (approximately 70%) of the world’s population as their search engine of choice on a daily basis. Secondly, the fact Google ads, when used correctly targets those looking specifically for the products or services your business offers.

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John Kurien John Kurien

How Your Startup Can Work to Build a Growth Marketing Funnel

Startups are hard not simply because they’re riskier or more competitive than established companies; it’s because those involved in startups (most notably founders) have to do everything themselves, essentially wearing many hats.

They have to think about what customers want before their competition does. They need to ensure the product is genuinely innovative and differentiates from the rest of the market. Most importantly, they must be able to execute all these things simultaneously.

As well, since startup founders are so involved in the day-to-day activities, it is hard to establish a high-level corporate strategy or to get them to separate from the day-to-day activities and think strategically. Many variables can decide whether or not a startup will be successful, from the founders’ talents to their dedication and discipline. For startups to succeed, they need to find what works best for them and stick with it.

Some startups decide on an idea and then start executing without ever questioning if this idea would work in the first place.

With so many factors at play when deciding whether or not a startup will succeed, it is fair to say nevertheless that there are a number of reasons why establishing a growth marketing funnel within startups is extremely difficult to achieve. Let us examine a few right away.

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John Kurien John Kurien

6 Reasons Why It is Challenging to Instill a Growth Marketing Strategy at Established Businesses

Here’s a question that nearly every established business owner wants the answer to, especially. Why is growth so difficult?

The funny thing is that even when you have sufficient demand for your products and services, it can seem impossible to get past a certain level. In some cases, even, runaway demand for what a small company provides can perversely cause the wheels to fall off. So instilling a growth marketing strategy can be extremely challenging.

Now, here’s the thing. There isn’t any simple answer to the headline question. But one of the underlying issues is almost certain to be that the growing SME (small to medium enterprise) does things differently from an established bigger business. In a word, you’re not equipped to scale.

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John Kurien John Kurien

How to Create a Growth Marketing Playbook for Businesses Looking to Scale

Achieving consistent, sustainable growth is likely to be a fundamental goal for your business. Expansion can lead to all sorts of exciting opportunities for your company and new experiences for your employees.  But for some organizations, achieving massive revenue growth can prove to be problematic.

As you grow, you could find yourself entering markets and targeting customers that bring you into the orbit of new competitors.

Dealing with competition is a fundamental aspect of the business, of course, but it’s important for your long-term growth plans to include strategies to keep hold of your existing clients and acquire new ones, regardless of what your rivals are doing.

It’s important to always have one eye on your competitors, but equally crucial is the need to maintain focus on what your business does well and how it can continue to satisfy customer expectations.

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John Kurien John Kurien

Crafting an Effective SaaS Growth Marketing Strategy

Given the prevalence and growth of SaaS businesses on the market, it clearly is a lucrative proposition. Howver, as within pretty much all lucrative markets, competition is heavy. Given this, and given the long sales cycle of SaaS businesses, growth marketing, with its funnel approach, is a natural fit for SaaS businesses in 2023.

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John Kurien John Kurien

7 Growth Marketing Tactics for eCommerce Stores to Consider

As the number of eCommerce stores has risen, the need to stand out against competitors has also increased. Considering that the eCommerce experience is virtual, growth marketing tactics are crucial to setting your from other ecommerce stores in 2023. Whether you’re an established retailer or just starting out on your eCommerce journey, you’ll want to employ growth marketing stategies.

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